What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Knoxville SEO is orienting web content to rank higher on search engine result pages. It’s a powerful tool for driving attention and converting audiences into customers.


Search engines like Google index and analyze webpages, including articles, to determine which results to show users when they query. SEO is optimizing those articles with best practices for the queries your audience is searching for.

The foundation of any good SEO strategy is a solid understanding of the keywords people are searching for. The right keywords will help you find and rank for searches that your customers are actually making — if you can connect with these search terms, you can get them to visit your site, read your content, and hopefully buy your products or services.

In order to identify the best keywords for your business, you’ll want to consider both the volume and competition of each keyword. Generally speaking, you’ll want to aim for keywords that have high search volumes and low-to-moderate competition levels. You’ll also want to make sure that you can find a lot of related searches (known as “long tail” keywords) that can bring in traffic and potential customers.

You can perform your own keyword research by entering search terms into a tool like Moz Keyword Difficulty and SERP Analysis. This tool will give you a clear understanding of how many people are searching for each term, and it will show you the top ranking sites for that keyword. It will also provide you with a percentage score that represents how difficult it will be for your website to rank in the first place for that keyword.

Once you’ve identified some good keywords, it’s time to start creating some content around them. The best way to do this is by creating a parent page on your site that contains all of the relevant keywords, then create pages that focus on different aspects of that topic. For example, if you’re researching bike parts, your parent page could be about bikes in general, while the individual pages could focus on different components of the bicycle such as the frame, wheels, chain, and other accessories.

Another creative way to come up with keywords is to crowdsource them by asking your customer-facing employees for the kinds of terms that their customers use to conduct research online. You can also go to Reddit and other forums where people discuss topics that interest them, as well as social media platforms such as Twitter.

On-Page Optimization

In order to rank for search queries, your website’s content must be relevant and helpful to users. That’s why on-page optimization is so important. It’s the application of keyword research to the content on individual web pages. This ensures that the page is a suitable answer to searches and helps Google understand what it’s about.

On-page SEO focuses on the elements of a webpage that are visible to both the user and search engines, such as title tags and meta descriptions. It also includes HTML elements that aren’t visible to the user, but which help search engines understand the content of a page. On-page SEO can also include visual content, such as images and video.

There are two main types of on-page SEO: pre-click and post-click. Pre-click on-page optimization is the work you do to optimize a listing on SERPs, including the title tag and URL. It’s designed to encourage a searcher to click on your listing instead of another. Post-click on-page optimization is the work done on your web page itself, and it’s what determines whether or not a searcher will stay on your site or move to a competitor’s.

For example, a well-optimized title tag will contain your target keyword in its first place. A title tag is one of the most important on-page ranking factors, so it’s worth spending time optimizing it. However, be careful not to overdo it with keywords, as this can damage your rankings.

Other on-page ranking factors include the content of a page, its internal links, and its image alt text. Internal links are an excellent way to boost a page’s ranking, but they should be used sparingly. Too many internal links can make a site look spammy and reduce its credibility. And the alt text of an image should include the keyword, as well as descriptive words that convey its purpose or intent.

While on-page SEO is complex and can feel overwhelming, it’s essential to understand if you want to rank for competitive keywords. Our experts can help you develop a winning strategy and implement it on your website.

Link Building

Link building is a pillar of search engine optimization (SEO). It involves constructing a network of links to demonstrate your authority in a given field to Google. Search engines use these links to discover and index new content, as well as understand how pages relate to each other. This is why it’s important to build high-quality, relevant backlinks.

Link evaluation is an important part of a website’s SEO, and there are a number of factors that influence rankings. For example, Google evaluates the quantity and quality of a page’s link profile to determine its relevance for specific keywords. Additionally, Google considers the number of unique referring domains to a page when determining its ranking. A good way to analyze a site’s current links is by using the free tool Semrush, which provides a list of a page’s incoming links along with their anchor text and overall volume.

When it comes to obtaining high-quality, relevant backlinks, you need to focus on reaching out to other webmasters and bloggers in your niche. Offering to write a guest post or contributing an article is an effective way to secure a link from another site. However, it’s important to make sure you’re only asking for a dofollow link. A nofollow link tells search engines that you’re not giving a vote of confidence in the linked page, which can negatively impact your rank.

Another effective method for gaining high-quality, relevant backlinks is conducting competitor research. Examine the topics that your competitors write about online, and see if there are any gaps in the coverage. For instance, if your competitors write about a new industry development but fail to provide important details like how it works or the benefits of the innovation, this is an opportunity for you to create an in-depth piece that positions you as a leading expert on the subject.

You can also utilize tools such as Ahrefs to see how your competitors’ sites are performing and find opportunities for link building. Be careful, though, because if you’re caught participating in “link schemes” or other types of spammy activity, you could be hit with a manual penalty by Google that will significantly damage your SEO ranking.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is the art of creating valuable and informative content that attracts potential customers to your business. It incorporates elements of social media marketing, link building and search engine optimization to create a holistic approach to digital marketing.

Developing an SEO content strategy starts with understanding your audience and conducting keyword research to determine what people are searching for online. You can use a tool like Semrush to do this by entering the keywords that you want to rank for into the tool and getting a list of related searches. This will give you ideas of what to target in your content.

Next, you need to create a content schedule and identify the types of content that you can produce to target those keywords. Then, you need to set SMART goals for your content that are aligned with your overall marketing strategy and company goals. This will help you track your progress and determine whether you need to make any adjustments to your SEO strategy.

Another important thing to remember when creating SEO content is that your content should match the intent of the user. This means that it should answer a question, solve a problem, or provide useful information. It’s a common mistake to get too caught up in the keywords that you are targeting and end up writing content that isn’t useful for users.

Finally, it’s important to update and re-publish your content regularly. This ensures that your website is constantly being crawled and indexed, which is a big factor in improving SEO ranking. This also helps keep your content fresh and relevant, which is something that Google rewards.

While SEO is a complicated process, the benefits it provides are immense. It’s an essential part of any digital marketing campaign and can help you drive more traffic to your website and boost your bottom line. By focusing on keywords, conducting thorough research, and creating high-quality content, you can improve your website’s rankings and drive more qualified traffic to your business.